Hi, I’m Tara.

I’m a Registered Acupuncturist who wakes up every day looking forward to work because I truly LOVE helping people.

I live here in Kitchener Waterloo with my partner and our 4 kiddos. I’m a busy mom, so I understand that you’ll need our treatment suggestions to be easy and doable.

After 10 years of practice, I’ve learned that good health is more than just getting rid of symptoms. It’s about healing your mind, as well as your body. As a practicing brain re-trainer from the DRNS (Dynamic Neural Retraining System) program, I practice what I teach.

In our sessions, I will use acupuncture to reduce your pain (which often improves immediately), rebalance your hormones, reduce your stress, improve your immune health and more.

I like to include health affirming nutrition suggestions to support your healing, as well as use applied neuroplasticity to create a life you love.

Let’s work together.

Click the button below and book online now.