
Restore Your Health with Acupuncture

Acupuncture is a natural healing therapy that uses tiny points (as tiny as little kitten whiskers). It’s been around for thousands of years and is incredibly powerful and effective.

The style of acupuncture I use is called Balance Method, which I learned from the late Dr. Richard Tan. I will narrow in, exactly where your symptoms are, and bring relief almost immediately. How cool is that.

I will often put in a few points during our session and get you moving to check in and see how your symptoms are changing, that’s how fast it can work. Since we’re working with the nerves and your brain, shifts are quick and long lasting.

I’m very gentle and slow, so even if you are feeling a little nervous, know that I will calmly ease you into your session. I also have some additional tools if you prefer needle free acupuncture techniques.

Acupuncture directly benefits your health by reducing swelling and pain, releasing endorphins, increasing circulation, and stimulating the limbic system. As a result, we can work on a wide variety of conditions from pain conditions (neck pain, shoulder, back, knee, arm, wrist, etc) to digestive complaints (poor digestion, constipation, irritable bowel syndrome), hormonal health, peripheral neuropathy TMJ, headaches, migraines and more.

I believe that mental and physical stress is at the root to a lot of our health concerns. Acupuncture is great at balancing the nervous system, which is why I include specific calming points in all of my sessions. I can also direct you to applied neuroplasticity resources (DNRS, Primal Trust, Laughter Yoga, etc) which help prune out old impaired pathways and create new happy and healthy pathways.

Health affirming nutrition will be included in our sessions, if needed. I’m a foodie and health food nerd, so I have lots of practical tips and suggestions on how food can heal your body. However, I approach this from a supportive healthy perspective, where we use food temporarily to rebalance the body. You will still get to go back to all of your favourite treats.

Reclaim Your Health & Joy Naturally

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